Slash Burns

Slash Burn Permits for 2020-2021--The application period for the Slash Burn season has closed. Please check back in September for the 2021-2022 Slash Burn seasonal information and application.

For pre-planning purposes, the maximum slash pile size will be 8 feet wide by 8 feet in length by 8 feet high with at least 50-foot clearance from buildings, trees, propane or fuel tanks, and not under power or telephone lines, or over gas lines. 

No open burning is allowed during a Burn Ban or Burn Restriction implemented by the County Sheriff. Failure to observe the conditions of a Burn Ban resulting in Evergreen Fire/Rescue being sent to extinguish a fire will result in a fine from the Sheriff’s Department and the individual will no longer be eligible to apply for a burn permit within the Evergreen Fire Protection District.