Sign up for CodeRED
and Hyper-Reach Clear Creek

CodeRed logo
Sign up to be notified by your local emergency response team in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts. Examples include: evacuation notices, bio-terrorism alerts, boil water notices, and missing child reports.
CLEAR CREEK COUNTY :  Click here to sign up for CodeRed notifications

Hyper-Reach-Clear Creek graphic

Registering additional information with the Community Alerts option will allow your cellular phone, email, and/or TDD to be notified for local emergencies and community alerts as well.

Hyper-Reach will automatically call all landline numbers for Community Alerts, but will only call landlines for Weather Alerts if you sign them up. You need to sign up for any cell number. If you don't have access to the internet or need help enrolling, call us at 303/679-2376.
CLEAR CREEK COUNTY : Click here to sign up for Hyper-Reach notifications